Candidate Services

A wide range of roles and the highest profes­sional standards.

Candidate Services

As a profes­sional, whose skills are in great demand, you’ll expect two key qualities from your recruit­ment consultancy: deep, genuine sector expertise and high profes­sional stand­ards. So, let’s lay out our promise to you in our technical niches.


Our consult­ants will give your career and ambitions a thorough examin­a­tion through our Osirian Career Clinic method­o­logy. We combine your profile with our extensive market knowledge of techno­lo­gies and company trends to offer you unique and relevant oppor­tun­ities – roles that match your exper­i­ence with your desired career goals.

Also, by taking a career-led approach to you, we provide support and advice that extends far beyond the routines of the standard recruit­ment process. We’ll consist­ently provide you feedback from inter­views, and work with you to overcome any role rejec­tions to prepare you for the next hot oppor­tunity. And once in a new role, we’ll always be there for you with career advice; from promo­tions to helping you plan your next move.

Our Specialist Sectors

Programme Manage­ment

Programme Management/Change and Project Manage­ment within Pharma, and roles for Policy Managers through to Statisticians.

IT Channel Sales

IT Channel Sales jobs guaran­teed to increase your earnings.

Contract Roles

We offer profes­sionals oppor­tun­ities across business and IT transformations.

Cyber Security

From Identity special­ists to CISOs, we have career options across all of data security.


We have a range of roles to suit IT profes­sionals seeking careers within the UK’s burgeoning SMEs.


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Phone: +44 (0)118 946 2212