Cyber Security

Profes­sionals to protect your data today and tomorrow

Cyber Security: Identity Management & InfoSec

Identity Management for the Remote Age

With reliance on Global Identity & Access Manage­ment profes­sionals growing exponen­tially over the past couple of years, driven by cyber-attacks, stricter legis­la­tion, and increased remote working, the role of Identity profes­sionals is becoming more important than ever.

The diffi­culty in this, of course, is the avail­ab­ility of highly skilled talent to take on this niche, yet increas­ingly diffi­cult and important role. In short, the need for more talented Identity people increases by the day, while the numbers of profes­sionals right for the job are few.

Adding to this diffi­culty is the shift in the role, with Identity Managers’ increasing import­ance meaning they need to be not only opera­tion­ally and technic­ally savvy, but commer­cially savvy too. Moreover, once you get to senior level, it becomes a much less hands-on, technical role, trans­forming the day-to-day aspects of the job.

Our Identity Manage­ment team are experts at finding these multi-skilled experts across both the USA and UK. We ensure you have our senior recruiter’s exclusive time, knowledge, exper­i­ence of the market, and protec­tion of your brand. We act as a partner­ship and impar­tial advisor with an under­standing of exactly what you need, saving you time by finding the right person when you need them.

When working with you, we keep in close contact, not only with hiring managers and talent but with the wider team to really get to know what kind of candidate is the best fit, not only in terms of skills and exper­i­ence but also in terms of behaviours and culture.

We under­stand that the risks associ­ated with getting the hire wrong at this level are high; we’re not just getting your hire right, we’re managing and reducing signi­ficant risk to your business and hiring process.

Areas we cover





Roles we cover

Snr VP / Executive Director IAM

Director IAM

IAM Archi­tect

PAM & IGA Lead

Find Out More

Cyber Security Team

Phone: +44 (0)118 946 2212

Helping You Through InfoSec’s Perfect Storm

Across the UK, CxO’s and techno­logy leaders like you are strug­gling to maintain the three core principles covering your data: Confid­en­ti­ality, Integ­rity and Availability.

Increasing Global and National legis­la­tion, cyber-attacks and remote working are driving up finan­cial and reputa­tional risk – at the same time everything has become more connected, so they take on security dimensions.

The talent shortage is not just a demand/supply challenge but when you need the right person to fill a pivotal role you need to explore all solutions and partner with recruit­ment experts who can offer options.

At Osirian, we’ve witnessed the demand and import­ance of these roles, and we’ve responded by devel­oping our dedic­ated, specialist Cyber Team.

We’ve supported CISOs, C.I.O.s, C.F.O.s and C.E.O.s in sourcing the rare, in-demand profes­sionals that will ensure their most precious assets – customer data, finan­cial data or intel­lec­tual property – are secure and avail­able through the Cyber talent we’ve provided.

We’ve developed a model that’s been calib­rated for your success by reducing risk at every touch­point of the hiring journey.

Our model includes sharing market inform­a­tion, specific recruit­ment advice, plus a deep under­standing of why someone should move and join your firm. Of course, we also map the market , in-depth screening, and salary-bench­marking through to inter­view training. Result: success where others fail.

We will occasion­ally work roles on a contin­gency basis, but success usually comes through exclus­ivity. The reason is that unearthing passive, rare candid­ates require our senior recruiters to dedicate to a limited number of roles for extensive campaigns, so we need the assur­ance that the position is exclusive. We’ve found that an initial up-front fee brings commit­ment from both sides, which leads to trust and success.

Areas we cover





Roles we cover

Inform­a­tion Security Manager