A Platform for SMEs to scale

Managed Services

If you are a growing company with more complex recruit­ment needs; our Managed Service is perfect for you. The service will stream­line your hiring process, while improving the quality of candid­ates you hire.
Our Managed Service has taken the service model enjoyed at FTSE 250 companies and engin­eered it for the needs of SMEs. The efficiency savings and improve­ments to the quality of candid­ates sourced, and on-boarded, is achieved through our four key modules:

  • A robust recruit­ment platform.
  • Employer: SME ITThe candidate attrac­tion model.
  • Scientific selec­tion systems.
  • Admin­is­tra­tion and reporting tools.

The Recruitment Platform

The key to successful recruit­ment is having robust processes in place, our planning and design will embed a predict­able and smooth recruit­ment journey for all three parties: your line managers, the candidate and the recruit­ment agencies.

  • We can work with your line managers and HR function to define desir­able career paths for ambitious IT professionals.
  • Well-designed career paths improve the quality of candid­ates applying and help the IT function realise your business strategy inter­view the process to be compet­ency based and to meet your job spec and business goals.
  • We will manage the existing recruit­ment suppliers that you wish to continue using.
  • We will negotiate standard fees and T&Cs across all suppliers.

Candidate Attraction Model

Today’s skills shortage and confusing media landscape can make advert­ising for candid­ates confusing and expensive. Our proven model will cut through the noise and reach your ideal candid­ates with relevant messages.

  • We’ll help you craft compel­ling messages about your company, team and vacan­cies, and ensure your line managers and marketing material are all on-message.
  • Advise you on current market salary guidelines by providing active examples of candid­ates, so you know you are aligned with market needs.
  • We will review your online presence and update all touch­point to provide a consistent employer brand message.
  • We will design multi­media campaigns to suit each type of IT professional.
  • Each candidate will undergo a great recruit­ment exper­i­ence regard­less of their success in applic­a­tion, thus ensuring your good brand name in the talent marketplace.

Selection Systems

By building on our under­standing of your company and job specific­a­tions, we will develop a selec­tion process that harnesses the best technical solutions with our recruit­ment and your line managers’ exper­i­ence. This approach will improve outcomes and save your managers’ time.

  • Psycho­metric profiling that uncovers team fit and most suitable manage­ment styles to drive perform­ance and engagement.
  • Help take qualit­ative profes­sional refer­ences from past managers along­side verifying dates worked so you know the behaviours exhib­ited during the inter­view process are what you can expect when the candidate starts.
  • Ensure the compet­ency-based inter­views are conducted by our recruiters and your line managers in line with the demands of the job spec.
  • Often, our inter­views can be considered first round interviews.
  • Design, set up and manage recruit­ment Assess­ment centres for multiple hires.
  • DBS and credit checks if needed.

The Administration and Reporting Tools

The on-going success of the recruit­ment programme will be delivered through our handling of all the admin, and clear reporting.

  • Refer the multiple calls that your company receives to one point of contact – a contact managed by Osirian.
  • IT health checks every 6 to 12 months.
  • Review advert­ising channels to ensure most effective ones are used.
  • Candidate surveys to ensure a good employee journey is being delivered.
  • Stream­lined invoicing, all checked against SLAs and T&Cs.
  • Evalu­ation of suppliers to gauge performance.

Contact Team

Speak to our Managed Services Team

Phone: +44 (0)118 946 2212