Project Management

Project, programme and change managers.

Project Management

To ensure you deliver a successful project, you need a recruiter that:

  • Operates a slick and efficient resourcing process
  • Provides you with the best project manage­ment talent — with the least risk

At Osirian, these two goals have driven every assign­ment we’ve taken on since our inception.

You need a succinct short­list of suitable candid­ates clearly presented to suit the exact demands of your project and your organ­isa­tion – a feat which is gener­ally complic­ated with so many CVs claiming project manage­ment exper­i­ence, causing a time-consuming forest of resumes for you to wade through.

We’re able to remove that burden from you because we filter the best candid­ates from throughout our extensive network, lever­aging our deep knowledge of project manage­ment — which drives our rigorous screening process. Our ability and invest­ment in under­standing your full project require­ments allow us to dig deep into a candidate’s profile to ascer­tain their true compet­ence and person­ality to ensure that they match your needs. When we take verbal refer­ences, we can then read between the lines of guarded comments to uncover red flags quickly and find people who genuinely will be the best fit.

Timing is everything for your project, so you’ll need resources to meet your specific timeline. From our regular dialogue with the market, we know when the best talent is avail­able, which allows us to deliver candid­ates fast. Essen­tial if you’re to beat the fierce compet­i­tion for the best project leaders.

Find Out More

Speak to our PM Team

Phone: +44 (0)118 946 2212