Our Range of Services and Disciplines

Osirian has estab­lished a uniquely strong reputa­tion over the last 20 + years providing fast reactions and responses deliv­ering valid­ated scarce skills to clients.

Our expertise ensures we can provide deep exper­i­ence from which to provide the best advice and guidance and obtain the results you are looking to achieve, As an employer, this may be the need to make a rapid hire without sacri­fi­cing the quality of candidate with totally compliant on-boarding through to building an elite team to take your business and brand to the next level.

Our resourcing and valid­a­tion processes are detailed below.

Deep Scour of the Market

  • Thinking in terms of client outcome; being astute; far beyond simple specific­a­tion-matching on a database 
    • Under­standing why not just what is needed
    • Challen­ging and questioning to get deep insight of needs
    • Reputa­tion for under­standing complex specialist requirements
  • Colin Lapthorn & team 
    • Nearly everyone in the team has 10 + years permanent and contractor sourcing exper­i­ence – almost unmatched (longevity only found elsewhere with head-hunters prising people out and enduring lengthy notice periods)
    • Over 20 years exper­i­ence as a business often in specialist/scarce skills areas, with many clients continuing to use us for over 20 years
  • Uncov­ering hidden people 
    • Huge network of people with whom we have long-term relation­ships who are proven to provide refer­rals, make recom­mend­a­tions and intro­duce us to connections
    • Reaching beyond those on databases or who advertise availability
    • Investing time in relation­ships and conver­sa­tion to challenge and inspire our contacts to think deeply about those they know, who have delivered similar projects elsewhere and are likely to be suitable
    • 360 resourcing model, NLP techniques and carefully shaped open questions help us uncover the best scarce resources


  • Direct
    • Questioning what they’ve actually done, drilling down in detail to validate claims and under­stand the person in depth
    • Extended open & honest dialogue, driven by desire for an excel­lent fit, not driven by the need to hit targets and shoehorn people in
    • Highly exper­i­enced inter­viewers who are objective and who develop empathy and under­standing of the person’s position and mindset
  • Indirect
    • Trawling our network to find 2 independent referees who have worked at a higher level (i.e. not a colleague) with the person on previous engagements
    • Verbal refer­ences far beyond just dates valid­a­tion, digging deep into the detail and ultimately asking if they would hire that person in a similar situation again

Over the years we have progressed our niche recruit­ment with a number of sector special­isms listed below to being able to provide full search capab­il­ities for clients and State­ment of Work value assured shared risk engage­ments through our consulting arm – www.anubian.co.uk

Programme Management

Programme Management/Change and Project Manage­ment and Pharma special­ists from Policy Managers through to Statisticians.

IT Channel Sales

IT Channel Sales Profes­sionals guaran­teed to drive your pipeline.

Contract Professionals

We support SAP projects with Contractors for each stage of an SAP imple­ment­a­tion or upgrade.

Cyber Security Professionals

Quali­fied InfoSec and Identity Manage­ment profes­sionals to protect your most valuable asset.

Managed Services

For complex hiring needs, our Managed Service model can accomodate every scenario.


SME IT — The complete recruit­ment package for small to medium size firms.


Our Partners at Anubian, provide an altern­ative to IT consulting companies with view to cost management.